【清潔排毒】法國 NAJEL 有機黑炭 阿勒坡手工皂 Aleppo Soap with Organic Charcoal





含有 5% 消炎殺菌月桂油 + 95% 滋養有機橄欖油 + 有機黑炭

  • 深層清潔、排毒和活化皮膚
  • 特別適合油性、暗瘡皮膚使用,使你的膚色看起來更年輕明亮


  • 將手工皂濕水搓揉起泡後,均勻塗抹於面部或身體,再以清水洗淨即可
  • 面部、頭髮、全身均可使用



Ingredients: sodium olivate, aqua (water), charcoal powder*, sodium laurelate, glycerin, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide.
*from Organic farming


Containing 5% bay laurel oil, Najel Aleppo Soap with Organic Charcoal combines the properties of Aleppo soap with the benefits of charcoal.

For thousands of years, charcoal powder has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to detoxify and purify the body.

The organic plant charcoal used in Najel’s Aleppo Soap comes from Indian gooseberries, more commonly referred to as Amla.

Amla is the fruit of the Indian gooseberry tree which, as its name suggests, is grown in India, but also in Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Charcoal has high adsorption qualities. It acts like a magnet, absorbing all the skin’s impurities: pollutants, toxins, excess sebum...

Composed of olive oil and bay laurel oil, Najel Aleppo soap with organic charcoal will cleanse, detoxify & revitalize your skin.

It is a purifying treatment that will leave your complexion looking younger & brighter!

Content: 100g

Made in Aleppo, Syria

Ingredients: sodium olivate, aqua (water), charcoal powder*, sodium laurelate, glycerin, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide.
*from Organic farming
  • HK$60.00


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