【身體去角質】法國 NAJEL 天然火山磨腳石 Natural Pumice Stone




NAJEL 以最天然、不經任何加工將火山石帶給你們,因此每一塊的大小、形狀、顏色都會有所不同!



1. 去角質足浴


用 NAJEL火山在有死皮的部份輕輕打圈按摩(注意不要過份用力按壓)完成後以清沖洗,

用後使用 NAJEL 乳木果脂或其他滋潤產品滋潤你的皮膚!

2. 腿部護理


在沐浴時,清洗你的皮膚,使用 NAJEL 火山石打圈在腿上輕柔按摩,注意不要過份用力!


The NAJEL pumice stone, taken from natural volcanic rock is an exfoliating black stone. 

Particularly recommended for the feet and elbows, it softens the skin.

This exfoliating stone it may be used on damp skin, using circular movements to remove calluses from the feet and elbows and eliminate dead cells. It is also very useful for hair removal.

It comes without packaging and has a cord to aid drying.

The pumice stone is used as an exfoliant on the feet and elbows. It eliminates dead and rough skin. We recommend soaking the skin to soften it before use.

For an exfoliant foot bath, dilute 5.3 oz of Dead Sea salts in a bowl of warm water. Soak your feet for 15 minutes. Dry the softened parts then scrub them with the pumice stone, using small circular movements. Do not press too hard and leave a thin layer of callus to protect your skin. Finally, rinse again, dry and moisturise your skin with a plant oil, body milk or lotion.

For soft legs, the pumice stone is also recommended for daily use on the legs to slow hair growth. In the shower, wash and rinse your skin then run the pumice stone over your legs, using circular movements. Do not press too hard.

With use, the pumice stone becomes polished and less porous; it may then be used on the more sensitive parts of the body, such as the toes.

  • HK$58.00


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