【方便攜帶】法國 NAJEL 5片旅行裝 阿勒坡手工古皂 Mini Aleppo Soaps


橄欖油 — 帶有神奇的天然美容功效

  • 防止皮膚乾燥、減淡皺紋
  • 清潔、滋養及軟化皮膚,深層潔淨毛孔

月桂油 — 天然消毒殺菌的特性:月桂油濃度越高,殺菌能力愈強

  • 舒緩皮膚敏感、各種皮膚問題:濕疹、主婦手、玫瑰痤瘡
  • 平衡肌膚油脂分泌,有助減少暗瘡、粉刺
  • 具有防禦皮膚的能力,改善皮膚質量,變得更健康強壯

含有 5% 珍貴的月桂油+95% 滋潤的橄欖油,能夠深層滋潤肌膚,保持水潤。

一盒中共有5小塊,每塊為20克,外型細小輕便,非常適合攜帶旅行,讓你在何時何地都能用到 NAJEL 手工皂!



  • 中性膚質
  • 輕微過敏、間中過敏膚質



  • 無添加化學起泡劑,如需更強的起泡效果,建議可配合起泡網使用
  • 頭髮、臉、全身均可使用



Ingredients: sodium olivate, aqua (water), sodium laurelate,  sodium hydroxide.


Thanks to the combination of 95% nourishing olive oil & 5% regenerating bay laurel oil,

this Najel Aleppo soap has the ability to cleanse your entire body leaving the skin feeling moisturized.

The special composition was adjusted to be used on a daily basis for all skin types.

It nourishes the skin naturally.

These mini soaps pack all the goodness of Aleppo Soap into a smaller size!

They are practical when traveling, for your guests to try, or to give to friends and family,

so they can discover for themselves the beneficial properties of the world’s first hard soap!

These soaps come in a compact size that is easy to take wherever you go.

Suitable for normal or mixed skin types.

Can be used on body, face, or hair.

Content: 5x20g 

Made in Aleppo, Syria 

Ingredients: sodium olivate, aqua (water), sodium laurelate,  sodium hydroxide.
  • HK$65.00


【9年絕版老皂】法國 NAJEL 4%月桂油 阿勒坡手工古皂 Aleppo Soap

【9年絕版老皂】法國 NAJEL 4%月桂油 阿勒坡手工古皂 Aleppo Soap

蘊含兩大天然成分:橄欖油、月桂油橄欖油 — 帶有神奇的天然美容功效防止皮膚乾燥、減淡皺紋清潔、滋養及軟化皮膚,深層潔淨毛孔月桂油 — 天然消毒殺菌的特性:月桂油濃度越高,殺菌能力愈強舒緩皮膚敏感、各種..


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