【多用途除臭】法國 NAJEL 天然止汗粉 Multipurpose Alum Deodorant Powder


NAJEL 天然止汗系列不含任何化學物質、香料,比市面的化學止汗劑對你的皮膚更健康,不會堵塞你的毛孔!

明礬 (Alum Stone) 是一種全天然的礦物

  • 具有天然的抗菌性、防腐性,抑制細菌的形成
  • 帶有天然除臭功效,能協助減少出汗,緩解因過度出汗而產生的異味
  • 無色無味,不會在你的衣服上留下任何痕跡,著淺色衫也不怕啦!


1. 足部護理:在浴足時,加入少量 NAJEL 止汗粉,每天浸泡10-15分鐘,有效抵抗腳部細菌形成,減輕腳臭。

2. 日常使用:每天出門前,在你的鞋內灑上少許 NAJEL 止汗粉,有效減輕腳臭形成,減低出汗,防止細菌滋生。

3. 嚴重出汗人士:如體味嚴重,每天沐浴後在容易出汗的地方,如腋下、腳部,塗上 NAJEL 止汗粉,長期使用能減輕體臭、臭狐等問題。



Ingredients: potassium alum. 

100% natural origin of total.

cosmos natural certified by ecocert greenlife according to cosmos standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com 


Alum stone is a mineral naturally present in various parts of the world.

NAJEL alum powder is obtained from alum crystals extracted from natural alunite quarries. 

The crystals are reduced to powder by an alum stone processor in France.

Alum powder has antibacterial properties to prevent the formation of bacteria responsible for unpleasant odors. 

A perspiration regulator, it is used to make natural deodorant and it prevents the formation of fungi.

Its astringent properties are also recommended for skin prone to acne.

NAJEL recommends it for foot care, diluted in the warm water of afoot bath or sprinkled inside your shoes to eliminate unpleasant odors. It may also be used as an after-shave treatment.


1. Foot care spa at home! - to keep your feet soft & protected

Step 1. Soak them in a bowl of warm water with 2 tbsp of alum powder for 10-20 minutes.

Step 2. Once the skin has softened, use the Najel pumice stone to remove rough skin.

Step 3. Rinse and dry your feet

Step 4. Moisturize them with butter, lotion or body milk for soft, supple skin.

Repeat regularly for soft feet!

2. Foot care for shoes! 

Sprinkle your shoes or your feet with Najel alum powder before putting on your socks & shoes.

This application is recommended in shoes that are worn with bare feet in summer.

Content: 150g 

Made in France

Ingredients: potassium alum. 

100% natural origin of total.

cosmos natural certified by ecocert greenlife according to cosmos standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com 

  • 品牌: 法國 NAJEL
  • 型號: C-PIE12NJ/6
  • 庫存狀態: 有庫存
  • HK$138.00
  • HK$120.00


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