【中性膚質適用】法國 NAJEL 火山紅泥面膜粉 Red Clay Powder






  • 補充肌膚的礦物質,修護、清潔毛孔
  • 深層清潔肌膚,吸走多餘的油脂及污垢,保持毛孔潔淨,減少黑頭及暗瘡的出現



  • 約 2-3茶匙 (teaspoon) NAJEL 火山紅泥面膜粉



TIPS! 在準備面膜的過程,我們建議你使用玻璃、木或瓷器的容器,避免使用膠製或鐵製的容器。



Ingredients: illite (clay). 
100% natural origin of total.
cosmos natural certified by ecocert greenlife according to cosmos standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com 


Thanks to its highly absorbent properties, it is best at cleaning pores & removing impurities.

Composed of magnesium, potassium & iron, it remineralizes, repairs & cleanses skin to bring you a perfect complexion.

Its ability to absorb, allows it to eliminate all impurities and to cleanse pores!

Suitable for all skin types, it will restore balance and vitality.


To fight against premature aging of the skin and remove the redness, Najel suggest you to make your own mask: 

-2-3 teaspoons of red clay powder

-1-2 teaspoons of Najel's Damascus Rose Water 

Mix these two ingredients to form a paste and apply the mask on your face and neck. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.

Clean your skin with warm water.

With this simple and natural recipe, your skin is free from all impurities and your complexion will be bright.  

For all preparations, it is recommended to use glass, wood or stoneware containers and spoons, rather than plastic or metal equipment.

Suitable for all skin types.

Content: 150g

Made in France

Ingredients: illite (clay). 
100% natural origin of total.
cosmos natural certified by ecocert greenlife according to cosmos standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com 
  • 品牌: 法國 NAJEL
  • 型號: C-ARG03NJ/6
  • 庫存狀態: 有庫存
  • HK$128.00
  • HK$118.00


【滋養重拾光澤】法國 NAJEL 堅果油及火岩泥 阿勒坡手工皂 Aleppo Soap with Ghassoul & Argan Oil

【滋養重拾光澤】法國 NAJEL 堅果油及火岩泥 阿勒坡手工皂 Aleppo Soap with Ghassoul & Argan Oil


HK$60.00 HK$68.00

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【含珍貴活性成分】法國 NAJEL 有機橙花水 Organic Orange Blossom Flower Water

!含有珍貴活性成分,能協助細胞再生,加強皮膚彈性,對抗肌膚老化!Najel 有機橙花水帶有天然清甜香味,讓你用後更有放鬆心情的功效。帶有去除黑色素的功能,定期使用能美白肌膚,特別適合於夏天時使用..

HK$150.00 HK$168.00

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【溫和去角質】法國 NAJEL 紅泥 阿勒坡手工皂 Aleppo Soap with Red Clay

!溫和去角質,適合所有膚質,特別是乾性、敏感肌膚,可為你的膚色恢復活力和光澤!紅泥是一種天然沉積岩,含有豐富礦物質,帶給肌膚最天然的滋養含有 5%月桂油+95% 初榨橄欖油+天然紅泥有效深層..

HK$60.00 HK$68.00

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【柔軟有彈性】法國 NAJEL 天然地中海絲海棉 Natural Mediterranean Sea Sponge 8-10 cm

來自地中海海床的天然生物,由於它們能吸收海水中的養份,每年會生長1-2cm,經過數年後,它們則會被人手收割並曬乾100% 全天然,質量有別於市面上一般的人造海棉!質地柔軟,富有彈性,不會對皮膚造成傷害..

HK$150.00 HK$168.00