【天然抗氧化】法國 NAJEL 有機堅果油 Organic Argan Oil



  • 能夠在皮膚上形成保護膜,保護皮膚免受外來的侵害
  • 亦可用作護髮,滋養及保護頭皮,使你的頭髮變得柔軟有光澤


倒適量 NAJEL 有機堅果油於手掌心,均勻塗於面部、頸部、身體,配合按摩直至吸收

  • 面部:可直接代替晚霜使用,亦可混合數滴精油在你的晚霜中
  • 頭髮:可用作於髮尾油,減輕開叉、毛燥
  • 適合各種膚質使用

經法國 ECOCERT 有機認證機構認可天然有機產品

100% 天然有機成份

 100% 法國原裝進口



Ingredients: argania spinosa (argan) kernel oil*
*100% of the total ingredients are from organic farming.
cosmos organic certified by ecocert greenlife according to cosmos standard available at http://cosmetiques.ecocert.com

Of all plant oils, Argan oil is the richest in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant known to fight free radicals and their aging effects. Vitamine E is also renowned for its moisturizing properties and is essential for cell renewal.

Argan oil covers the skin with a protective film to protect it from these external aggressors.

It nourishes the skin in depth and preserves its elasticity to give a perfectly healthy complexion.

This complete care treatment can be used on all over: on the face, body, hair, hands and nails.


Argan oil can be used undiluted as a night care for the face, neck and chest, and is suitable for all skin types.

It can be used:

- in massage as a body moisturizing oil after your shower to strengthen and revitalize skin,
on wet skin  improving hydration,
on nails to strengthen them and on cuticles to soften them,
- as a mask to nourish and revitalize hair.

Content: 80ml

Made in Morocco

*100% of the total ingredients are from Organic** Farming.
**Natural and Organic Cosmetic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Ecocert Standard available at http://cosmetics.ecocert.comming 
  • 品牌: 法國 NAJEL
  • 型號: C-HUI06NJ/6
  • 庫存狀態: 有庫存
  • HK$228.00
  • HK$200.00


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