【原味】法國 NAJEL 有機乳木果脂 Organic Shea Butter
NAJEL 有機乳木果脂透過第一道冷壓從乳木果果實提取,100%純天然,由來自有機耕種的乳木果果實製成。
- 由加納婦女合作社以傳統方式提取的
- 乳木果脂含有非常豐富的維他命,其滋潤特性在美容界廣受讚譽
- 可以深層滋潤肌膚,回復肌膚彈性,保持嫩滑
- 可為乾燥、受損髮質帶來滋潤,使你的秀髮充滿光澤
NAJEL 有機乳木果脂不經精製,從公平貿易中取得。
*Tips: 用前可先將 NAJEL 乳木果脂放在手心先搓暖,會更容易塗抹*
1. 身體護理:將適量 NAJEL 有機乳木果脂按摩至全身肌膚,有效滋潤皮膚、放鬆肌肉,特別適用於脫毛後的敏感肌膚。
2. 頭髮護理:將 NAJEL 有機乳木果脂塗於乾燥的髮尾,靜待 20分鐘,然後依正常洗髮步驟沖洗乾淨。
3. 足部護理:在乾淨的腳上,先使用NAJEL 磨腳石去除死皮,然後塗抹 NAJEL 有機乳木果脂於腳上,能夠深層滋養和保護你雙腳的肌膚,變得柔軟。
對於非常乾燥的腳部,建議在睡前塗上一層厚的NAJEL 有機乳木果脂,並穿上一雙棉質的襪子過夜後,明早便能獲得一雙柔軟的雙腳!
Ingredients: butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter
100% of the total ingredients are from organic farming.
cosmos organic certified by ecocert greenlife according to cosmos standard available at http://cosmetiques.ecocert.com
contains naturally occurring latex.
NAJEL Shea Butter is fair trade & has not undergone any transformation.
Naturally rich in vitamins A, D, E and F, Shea butter restores elasticity and moisture to the driest of skins.
In winter it provides effective protection against the cold and winds.
In summer, it is also an invaluable moisturizer in the sun.
In addition to its use on skin, Shea butter is a genuine care treatment for damaged hair and split ends.
It nourishes hair and makes it shine.
This complete care treatment can be used on all parts of the body : face, body, hair, hands and feet.
How to use?
A complete care treatment, it is suitable for all skin types, particularly the most sensitive skin, and is recommended for daily care of the face, body and hair. Melt butter in the palm of the hand before applying to the face, body or hair.
Shea butter can also be used after waxing or shaving to soothe irritated skin.
On hair, apply butter to tips, leave at least 20 minutes, then shampoo and rinse.
On clean, dry feet, use a pumice stone to remove dead and hard skin and then apply Shea butter. It will nourish and protect your feet making them soft again. For badly damaged feet, cover them in a thick layer of Shea butter before bedtime and wear a light pair of socks. Leave all night and remove any excess in the morning. Repeat this as often as necessary for soft, callus-free feet.
Weight: 100g
Made in Ghana
A complete care treatment, it is suitable for all skin types, particularly the most sensitive skin, and is recommended for daily care of the face, body and hair. Melt butter in the palm of the hand before applying to the face, body or hair.
Shea butter can also be used after waxing or shaving to soothe irritated skin.
On hair, apply butter to tips, leave at least 20 minutes, then shampoo and rinse.
On clean, dry feet, use a pumice stone to remove dead and hard skin and then apply Shea butter. It will nourish and protect your feet making them soft again. For badly damaged feet, cover them in a thick layer of Shea butter before bedtime and wear a light pair of socks. Leave all night and remove any excess in the morning. Repeat this as often as necessary for soft, callus-free feet.
Made in Ghana
Ingredients: butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter
100% of the total ingredients are from organic farming.
cosmos organic certified by ecocert greenlife according to cosmos standard available at http://cosmetiques.ecocert.com
contains naturally occurring latex.
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