【消炎、舒緩痕癢】法國 NAJEL 天然死海水 Dead Sea Water
來自約旦的死海,NAJEL 天然死海水含有21種礦物質,其中包括鎂,鉀和鈣的含量最高。
- 具有舒緩、再生及淨化功能,在身體護理方面有關鍵的作用,能夠舒緩皮膚問題。
- 滋潤的質地令它非常適合於按摩來舒緩肌肉疼痛,還含有保護皮膚的天然養分
- 以其高濃度,可以直接或稀釋使用,用於按摩身體不適的地方或發炎的頭皮
NAJEL 天然死海水可以直接或稀釋使用,由於每個人皮膚反應不同,如感到刺痛強烈,請用溫水洗淨。
1. 身體護理:在沐浴前,將 NAJEL 死海水在你的皮膚上按摩2-3分鐘,然後用溫水徹底沖洗。
2. 身體磨砂:將 NAJEL 死海水塗滿你的身體,用磨砂手套按摩全身,使用後用溫水清洗。
你亦可以將適量 NAJEL 死海水的混入你浸浴的水中,有助去除肌膚上的死皮。
Ingredients: Maris Aqua (Dead Sea Water)
100 % natural origin of total. Cosmos Natural certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos Standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com
Dead Sea water is made up of 21 minerals, of which magnesium, potassium and calcium are found in the largest quantities.
This water is well-known for its soothing, regenerating and purifying properties and plays an essential role in body care. It also relieves skin problems.
Its texture makes it ideal for regenerating massages to soothe muscle pain. It also helps to protect the skin’s natural moisturisation.
Highly concentrated, NAJEL Dead Sea water may be used directly / diluted to massage the parts of the body that require relief and on the hair to soothe an irritated scalp.
Note: rinse the skin throughly after every use.
How to use?
Before a shower or bath, apply Dead Sea water as a skin massage: rub into your skin for 2 to 3 minutes then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Avoid contact with the eyes and sensitive parts of the body.
On the hair, mix a few drops of concentrated water with your usual shampoo to treat and relieve an itching scalp. A few drops with your shampoo will suffice. For best results, apply, massage in and leave for 2 to 3 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and shampoo again to eliminate any salt residues from your hair.
Dead Sea water can also be used as a body scrub: cover the skin with Dead Sea water and use a loofah glove to massage energetically. Your skin is exfoliated deep down and remineralised.
Finally, you can also mix 200 ml of Dead Sea water with your bath water for a relaxing and regenerating bath.
Note: make sure to rinse after use.
Made in Jordan
Ingredients: Maris Aqua (Dead Sea Water)
100 % natural origin of total. Cosmos Natural certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos Standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com
【消炎淨化】法國 NAJEL 天然死海泥 Dead Sea Mud
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【舒緩發炎、濕疹】法國 NAJEL 天然死海鹽 Dead Sea Salt
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HK$120.00 HK$138.00
【1KG 經濟裝】法國 NAJEL 天然死海鹽 Dead Sea Salt
富含礦物質,具有淨化、再生特性,深層清潔,去除皮膚毛孔中的雜質!保留了死海水最天然特性 — 100% 純天然,通過死海水的自然蒸發而取得,不經過任何化學加工 舒緩特性 — 對舒緩發..
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【1KG 經濟裝】法國 NAJEL 天然死海泥 Dead Sea Mud
HK$330.00 HK$368.00