【1KG 經濟裝】法國 NAJEL 天然死海泥 Dead Sea Mud
Najel 天然死海泥可用於身體、面部及頸部,令肌膚喚然一新。
1. 治療肌肉酸痛/風濕問題:先將 NAJEL 死海泥塗於不適的位置,如手臂、小腿、關節等,
2. 深層潔淨面膜:取適量 NAJEL 死海泥,均勻塗於已清潔的面部,避開眼部四周肌膚,
3. 深層潔淨髮膜:先以水濕潤頭髮,將 NAJEL 死海泥均勻按摩塗抹於頭皮上,靜待5分鐘後沖洗。
成分:100% Maris limus.
100% natural origin of total. Cosmos Natural certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos Standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com
The water of the Dead Sea contains over 25% salt compared to 5% in the other oceans of the world.
The mineral salts it contains are an extraordinary source of benefits for the skin and body.
Each liter of Dead Sea water contains about 30% salt and minerals, with 30 times more magnesium than the Mediterranean Sea.
NAJEL offers you this black mud, with its many virtues, in its purest form!
Dead Sea mud is well-known for its effective treatment and prevention of many infections such as psoriasis, acne and rheumatism, and is widely used in therapeutic treatments.
It is recommended for treating the face and neck. Applied as a mask, it refines and smoothes the grain of the skin.
Your skin is regenerated and softened.
Dead Sea mud can also be used on the hair. Applied as a mask, it eliminates all the impurities caused by environmental factors and helps to purify the scalp and make it less greasy.
Precautions: mix before use, there may be some overlying liquid. Apply to the areas to be treated, leave for 20 minutes (adapt the time to your skin type) then rinse thoroughly with water.
NAJEL Dead Sea mud is recommended for the face and neck. It may also be used on hair.
- For a face mask, apply it uniformly to the face, leave for up to 20 minutes (adapt the time to your skin type) then rinse thoroughly.
- On the body, Dead Sea mud improves the skin’s appearance, tones and softens it. Apply the mud to the whole body and follow the same usage precautions as for the face mask. Finally, apply a body milk or plant oil to nourish the skin.
- Used as a hair mask, it purifies and rebalances the scalp to make it less greasy. Apply the mud to the scalp and hair and massage gently with the fingertips. Leave for 5 to 10 minutes then rinse with warm water only – no soap or shampoo.
Useful tip: Dead Sea mud can also be applied as a poultice to relieve painful joints. Warm the mud in a bain-marie and apply it around the painful joints. Cover the treated area with cellophane film to keep in the warmth then rinse after 20 minutes.
Suitable for all skin types.
Can be used on body, face and hair
Content: 1kg
Made in Jordan
Ingredients: 100% Maris limus.
100% natural origin of total. Cosmos Natural certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos Standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com
【消炎淨化】法國 NAJEL 天然死海泥 Dead Sea Mud
死海泥的好處Najel 天然死海泥來自世界級內海− 死海,天然礦物超過一般海水50倍,含有豐富的滋養成分,作為面膜使用,清潔的效果非常顯著!死海泥富含高濃度礦物質,如鎂,鈣,溴和鉀等,除可滋養皮膚,緩..
HK$150.00 HK$168.00
【消炎、舒緩痕癢】法國 NAJEL 天然死海水 Dead Sea Water
來自約旦的死海,NAJEL 天然死海水含有21種礦物質,其中包括鎂,鉀和鈣的含量最高。具有舒緩、再生及淨化功能,在身體護理方面有關鍵的作用,能夠舒緩皮膚問題。滋潤的質地令它非常適合於按摩來舒緩肌肉疼痛..
HK$120.00 HK$138.00
【舒緩發炎、濕疹】法國 NAJEL 天然死海鹽 Dead Sea Salt
富含礦物質,具有淨化、再生特性,深層清潔,去除皮膚毛孔中的雜質!保留了死海水最天然特性 — 100% 純天然,通過死海水的自然蒸發而取得,不經..
HK$120.00 HK$138.00