【潤而不膩】法國 NAJEL 有機沙漠椰棗油 Organic Desert Date Oil


沙漠椰棗樹具有非常長和深的根部, 使它能夠承受沙漠乾旱的土壤和氣候。

NAJEL 有機沙漠椰棗油 - 滋養潤膚精油

  • 通過獨特的冷壓方式從椰棗的種子提取而成
  • 能夠軟化及修護乾燥及受損肌膚
  • 採用最新「乾性油」配方,比起一般精華油質地更清爽輕盈,非常容易吸收,用後不油膩

  • 適用於面部,身體和頭髮,特別適合乾性、混合性肌膚使用
  • 亦可用作為頭髮護理,能夠修護暗沉、受損的頭髮,重拾光澤及柔軟


1. 面部護理:適合用於你的日夜面部及頸部護理,你可以把它混合誰你的晚霜中使用,或直接使用亦可。

2. 身體護理:沐浴後,在身上塗上 NAJEL 有機沙漠椰棗油,配合按摩加以吸收,長期使用能使肌膚柔軟有光澤。

3. 頭髮護理:可將 NAJEL 有機沙漠椰棗油用作為髮膜,待吸收後以正常洗髮程序清潔,你亦可用它作為髮尾油。



Ingredients: balanites roxburghii (desert date) seed oil.
100% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming.
Cosmos Organic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos Standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com


The Desert Date Palm is a tree that comes from tropical Africa, on the edge of the Sahel Desert in the north of Burkina Faso.

It is also known as the “Wild Date Palm”, and is a hardy tree with long, deep roots allowing it to withstand the drought of the desert’s arid soils. 


Extracted from an unique cold-pressing of the seeds of the date palm (iboraghan ou aboghar), is a strong emollient.

It softens and repairs dried and damaged skin.

This plant oil, which is very dry to the touch, is perfect for combination skin, protecting it without making it over oily. 

Desert Date oil is also recommended for hair care. It repairs and restores suppleness to dull, damaged hair.

Ideal for daily use on the face, body and hair. 

Content: 80ml 

Made in Burkina Faso

Ingredients: balanites roxburghii (desert date) seed oil.
100% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming.
Cosmos Organic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos Standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com
  • 品牌: 法國 NAJEL
  • 型號: C-HUI13NJ/6
  • 庫存狀態: 有庫存
  • HK$188.00
  • HK$178.00


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