【消除暗瘡黑頭】法國 NAJEL 有機檸檬蘆薈純露 Lemon & Aloe Vera Hydrolate

!油性膚質救星 - 調節油脂分泌、抗菌、收細毛孔!



NAJEL 有機檸檬蘆薈純將為你的肌膚帶來彈性及光澤!

  • 具有抗菌、收細毛孔的功效,適用於各種不同膚質,對於混合性、油性膚質特別適用


  • 對於消除暗瘡及黑頭特別有效,並可以調節油脂分泌
  • 用後留有清香的檸檬味
  • 蘆薈,像檸檬一樣,具有消炎、收斂作用,能舒緩輕微的皮膚炎症

  • 具美白特性,恢復皮膚亮度及光澤


1. 面部、頸部爽膚:每天早晚將 NAJEL 有機檸檬蘆薈純露用於面部和頸部,尤其適合混合性、油性皮膚。


2. 頭皮清潔:可以用於舒緩、淨化頭皮,只需將適量純露輕輕按摩於頭皮上,其後以洗髮水清潔,定期使用可減



Ingredients: aloe barbadensis (aloe vera) leaf water*, citrus limon (lemon) fruit water*, potassium sorbate,
sodium benzoate, citric acid.
*ingredients from Organic Farming. 99,6% natural origin of total. 99,4% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming.
Cosmos Organic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos standard available at http://cosmos. ecocert.com


Obtained by steam distillation of fresh fruits with organic aloe vera, with its antibacterial and astringent virtues, is a care product suitable for all skin types, particularly combination and oily skin.
This refreshing Najel hydrolate will restore tonicity & radiance to your skin. The 
perfect ally for oily skin, prone to blemishes.

Lemon, with its disinfectant, purifying and toning properties’, cleanses and purifies skin.

  • Efficient in the treatment of acne
  • Eliminates blackheads while regulating oily skin.
  • Leaves skin purified & scented with a delicate lemony note.

  • Known for its whitening properties - restores luminosity & radiance to the complexion.

Combined with aloe vera, reputed for its healing and repairing properties.

Aloe vera, like lemon, has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties to soothe minor skin irritations.
Steam distillation 1:6 from organic fresh fruits


How to use?

It is recommended for daily use in the morning and evening on the face and neck.
Suitable for all skin types, particularly combination and oily skin.

Apply with a cotton pad to clean, dry skin before using a cream or serum.
Lemon hydrolate can also be used by massaging on hair to soothe and purify the scalp. Use before shampoo.


Content: 200ml

Made in France

Ingredients: aloe barbadensis (aloe vera) leaf water*, citrus limon (lemon) fruit water*, potassium sorbate,
sodium benzoate, citric acid.
*ingredients from Organic Farming. 99,6% natural origin of total. 99,4% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming.
Cosmos Organic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos standard available at http://cosmos. ecocert.com
  • 品牌: 法國 NAJEL
  • 型號: C-EAU09NJ/6
  • 庫存狀態: 有庫存
  • HK$158.00


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