【美白滋養】法國 NAJEL 有機大馬士革玫瑰花水 Organic Damascus Rose Flower Water
!大馬士革玫瑰 — 玫瑰精油中最頂級的品種,含有300種以上的天然成分,
- 由玫瑰花蕾蒸氣蒸鎦製成,有效清潔皮膚中的雜質,減少暗瘡、黑頭出現
- 緩解肌膚問題,有效抗衰老
- 適用於各種類型的膚質,對於乾燥、成熟、過敏皮膚特別有效
1. 爽膚水:適合化妝前、使用精華前,均勻噴於面上。
2. 卸妝水:倒適量 NAJEL 大馬士革玫瑰花水於化妝棉,卸除面上殘餘的化妝品。
3. 自製礦物泥面膜:將3茶匙的 NAJEL 面膜粉和 NAJEL 大馬士革玫瑰花水混合,直至成為膏狀,均勻塗於面部及頸部,
Ingredients: rosa damascena (rose) flower water*, potassium sorbate, citric acid, geraniol, citronellol.
*ingredients from Organic Farming. 99.85% natural origin of total. 99.65% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming.
Cosmos Organic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com
The Organic Damascus Rose Water by Najel is a true all-rounder: It tones and reliably cleanses the skin while its healing properties serve to eradicate blackheads.
It also has a skin-soothing effect when it comes to redness and irritations, leaving the skin looking healthier!
It can even be used as a make-up remover.
Moreover, rose water is effective at fighting premature aging.
Najel Damascus Rose Flower Water can be used in your anti-aging face mask. You will need: - 3 teaspoons of Najel red clay
- 3 teaspoons of Najel Organic Damascus Rose Water
Mix the red clay and rose water until a uniform paste is formed and apply to the face and neck.
Rinse the mask after 15 minutes using warm water.
You can also use it as toner in your skincare routine!
Suitable for all skin types.
Content: 200ml
Made in France
Ingredients: rosa damascena (rose) flower water*, potassium sorbate, citric acid, geraniol, citronellol.
*ingredients from Organic Farming. 99.85% natural origin of total. 99.65% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming.
Cosmos Organic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to Cosmos standard available at http://cosmos.ecocert.com
【油性肌膚適用】法國 NAJEL 綠泥面膜粉 Green Clay Powder
HK$118.00 HK$128.00
【美白淡斑】法國 NAJEL 有機大馬士革玫瑰阿勒坡手工皂 Aleppo Soap with Organic Damascus Rose
!大馬士革玫瑰 — 玫瑰精油中最頂級的品種,含有300種以上的天然成分,其芬芳甜美的氣味,有舒緩壓力、放鬆情緒的功效!蘊含 5% 抗菌月桂油 + 95% 滋養初榨橄欖油+大馬士革玫瑰精油對於..
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【乾燥、敏感肌膚適用】法國 NAJEL 白泥面膜粉 White Clay Powder
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【5%月桂油 + 大馬士革玫瑰水】法國 NAJEL 有機阿勒坡皂液 Aleppo Liquid Soap with Organic Damascus Rose Water
! 熱愛玫瑰之首選!由 5% 月桂油、95% 有機初榨橄欖油、大馬士革玫瑰花水製成結合了玫瑰花水淨化和緊緻肌膚的功能,用後留下清甜的玫瑰花香具有滋養、舒緩特性的珍貴油脂,適用於各種膚質,特別是乾性和敏..
HK$178.00 HK$198.00
【消除暗瘡黑頭】法國 NAJEL 有機檸檬蘆薈純露 Lemon & Aloe Vera Hydrolate
!油性膚質救星 - 調節油脂分泌、抗菌、收細毛孔! NAJEL 有機檸檬蘆薈純將為你的肌膚帶來彈性及光澤!具有抗菌、收細毛孔的功效,適用於各種不同膚質,對於混合性、油性膚質特別適用..
HK$178.00 HK$198.00
【天然玫瑰味】法國 NAJEL 有機防敏阿勒坡洗衣液 Aleppo Soap Liquid Detergent (Rose Natural Fragrance)
!全天然抗菌防敏,帶有玫瑰清香!NAJEL 備有一系列的天然洗衣液 — 高度抗敏,特別適合皮膚敏感、濕疹皮膚的用家使用,亦可用於清洗嬰兒貼身衣物。「你知道洗衣液也是一個常見的致敏源嗎?」如果..
HK$248.00 HK$268.00